The general consensus was for years the world saw cats in black and white, and have not the ability that perceive color. Recent research has shown evidence that suggests that cats finally can have much color vision. It now assumes that cats see different shades of the colors Blue and green, but perceived that other colors are not all as we see it. Cats have only two types of cones (cells) in the retina of the eye, which are responsible for color vision. There are three types of cones and the cones that correspond to the color red is missing cats. People have all three, so that we can perceive more colour and intensity of the color. It is believed that a limited cats have ability, the difference between red and green - to distinguish which actually is also the people found in a form of color blindness.
Answering the question - no, cats not only see in black and white, but they seem to suffer from a form of color blindness.
While people definitely beat cats have to look at a sunset, their vision in other areas to our is far superior. While they have fewer cones in their eyes, they have more bars - their eyes make better suited for the perception of the movement as a color and better suited to see at night. Cats are naturally hunters and their Visual skill set provides excellent tools for, the. Cats determines the smallest movements far away, and raise you so that hope could not do.
Cats have also fantastic night vision, because their eyes ability to control the brightness to their advantage, that very little light to see. A cat needed only a sixth of the amount of light a human needs to see. This is achieved as cats have, what is called a tapetum lucidum in their eyes. The tapetum lucidum (i.e. "bright tapestry" in Latin) is located directly behind, or sometimes even within the retina and reflects the light that passes through the retina back into the eye to give that cat significantly increased ability to see in very low light. It is this lucidum reflects light back, that sometimes caused in the dark to light a cat's eyes appear be.
The cat night vision is improved also by their very large students. Cats have slit pupils, rather than the round pupil people have. This elliptical design serves to protect the eye because cats are not 100% like most other creatures with huge students at night from too much light. The slot form makes it possible to expand the students and contract in quickly as the pupil of round to suit various extreme quantities of light in the environment can, and more dramatically.
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