Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toilet Training Cats - Tips and Tricks

When it comes to being a cat owner, there is a common activity that almost every cat owner dislikes...cleaning the cat box. If you have more than one cat, this job becomes even more of a nuisance, not to mention smelly and even potentially harmful for pregnant women. There is probably many a cat owner out there that lamented the daily cat box cleaning and thought of how wonderful it would be if their cats could clean their own boxes, or better yet, use the toilet.

Think it's just a dream? Well think again, because this CAN be done. It takes a lot of patience and depending on your cat it may take weeks and even months to accomplish. But if you're dedicated to the task at hand and learn the correct methods, you could very well do away with that cat box chore altogether.

The process basically consists of moving the cat's litter box closer and closer to the toilet and eventually putting a bowl with litter in the toilet until it can be removed altogether. It's a slow, step by step process. Many advise to start putting newspaper in the box as bedding because you don't want to put litter in your toilet, as this can cause all kinds of problems with your plumbing, but do what works best for you and your cat.

There are many advantages to toilet training your cat. It cuts down on the expense of cat litter which can become quite costly and it has to be bought regularly to maintain the odor free home that everyone wants, regardless of being cat owners. No one likes their home to smell like a cat box. Another benefit to toilet training cats is the reduction of odor that cat boxes have. When you do not have to deal with a dirty cat box, you're not going to have the cat urine odor that is so awful and that is nothing BUT a plus. Toilet training your cat just makes life easier and is even better for the cat since they do not have to step in old feces and urine to use the bathroom again.

Some disadvantages to toilet training your cat that it is good to be aware of is that cats have a natural tendency to cover their waste. When using a toilet they can't do this, which for some cats will be a real problem. Toilet seats can also be very slippery and if the cat slips and falls into the toilet, you can pretty much bet that they won't be all that revved up to use it again.

A lot of this will depend on the cat and its personality. A more laid back cat will probably catch on faster and do better than a high strung, nervous cat that doesn't like change. Take you time to teach the cat at its own pace and don't ever get angry or yell when they don't do what you want them to. You don't want them to associate anger or fear with what you're trying to accomplish.

There are many ways you can find the exact steps to use to toilet train cats. Online searches, books, and sometimes even vets offices may have information on how to toilet train a cat. It's a process that takes time, patience and encouragement, but when it's achieved it will be an accomplishment for both you and your cat.

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