"Who's to blame?" You may be thinking, "Well, my cat, of course. It's not my fault my crazy cat pees outside the litter box! I'm not the one who is urinating in the entry. I'm not the one peeing in the corner of my home office. It's the cat! Who else could be to blame?
Well, I guess I'm the one who must break the news to you about this situation. You may very well be the one who is facilitating your cat's unacceptable behavior. And let me tell you why.
Cats, who are extremely clean animals, view their litter boxes much like we do our toilets--places to deposit waste. The difference between your cat's litter box and your toilet, however, is that we get to flush our toilets after every deposit. Cats don't.
Now imagine that your toilet s plugged up. You and those in your household keep using the toilet again and again, and the waste and smell accumulate. Yuck! Pretty soon, you're looking for somewhere else to do your business because the growing mound of urine-soaked fecal matter pouring over the sides of your toilet and onto the floor. You're disgusted by the sight! You're repulsed by the smell! Someone clean up this mess!
That someone is...you.
Now, think of what you ask your cat to do. Your cat dutifully deposit waste in the litter box, scratches up some sand to help cut down on the smell and goes on his or her way. When your cat returns, the last pile is still there. Yet, your cat follows the rules and uses the box again.
Now, let's say more than one cat lives in the house. Not only are your cats asked to use a box that has its own feces and urine, they are expected to step over piles left by other cats as well. Your cat is disgusted by the sight! Your cat is repulsed by the smell! Someone clean up this mess! Who?
Once again, that someone is...you.
Your cat doesn't want to use a filthy litter box anymore than you want to use a bathroom with a plugged up toilet. In fact, it may be even more repugnant to our cats because of their heightened ability to smell odors you and I don't notice.
So, don't blame your cat if he or she chooses to go someplace other than the litter box. Stick your head inside the box and take a deep whiff. If it's not a delightful aroma, it's time for you to scoop and refill the box with fresh, dry litter.
Carmen is an avid cat lover and expert on cats...especially the naughty ones which is why she started Bad Kitty Solutions. To get download a copy of her fun and free article called A Tale of a Tail: Is Your Cat's Tail Trying to Tell You Something, go to http://www.carmenreneeberry.com/BK-Sign-Up.html
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