Ear mites are tiny parasites to live internal and external ear in the channels. They feed on wax and oils in a cat ear canal causes irritation and inflammation, and are responsible for more than 50% of feline ear infections. The infection causes the rule commonly reported a dark brown to black discharge look like coffee grounds. The mites are very small and often are not recognized by the human eye.
These mites are highly contagious and by casual contact with other pets are passed. Although they may have dogs and cats, cats are much more likely to become infected.
Some of the symptoms of ear mites are:
* Brown or black waxy discharge (similar to coffee grounds)
* Shake head
* Excessive scratching of the ears
Scratches, scabs, or hair loss in the vicinity of ears
* Smell
* Inflammation
Scratch due to the intensive and cause head shake ear mites sometimes causes blood vessels to the ear break an aural hematoma. This is a localized collection of blood, which is trapped between the skin and cartilage of the ear.
Your vet will examine a sample of wax in the ear under the microscope to diagnose ear mites. This is referred to an ear cytology. If mites are present they typically see in this way. In some cases, the eggs of the mites can also be seen.
There are several treatments available. The use of a topical prescription medication called Tresaderm ear is able, to develop ear to kill mites eggs. It contains an antibiotic for each secondary bacterial infection with a drug for inflammation. The recommended treatment with Tresaderm is 10-14 days. A follow up ear cytology after treatment is usually recommended to ensure that the infection has cleared.
There are also two products (Acarexx and Milbemite) that are applied directly into the ear canal. A single dose of this medication is usually all that is required to clear the infection.
Revolution and advantage multi are two topical products that are applied between the cat shoulders. These products will control also fleas and several other parasites. These products should be applied once in the month, every month for the cat throughout entire service life.
A new infection of the ear mite to prevent one, it is important to treat all animals in the household and to have all the animals on a monthly preventative. A routine check your cat ears will alert you to an early infection. You can also check, thoroughly clean your carpet all bed linen and vacuuming.
Copyright Todd Gore. For more information about ear mites and other cat health questions visit: A pet blogger cocks
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