A pregnant cat, also known as the "Queen", must be correctly, maintained by be taken specifically more focus by the owner given. It is important for cat owners certain steps to ensure the health and safety their Queens, take, that the safety and health of the babies in the wombs of their pets guaranteed help them. Your cat can pregnant, if you observe these symptoms of pregnancy or cat pregnancy symptoms be:
1. Queens are master more than often no longer loving dealing with her. You actually do things to get the attention of their owners. If your cat starts to show more interest in you is always at your side, always follows you wherever go and the like, you are can actually have a pregnant cat.
2. Cat owners, you will notice their cat is constantly hungry or increased appetite, should realise, that this is one of the usual signals, that their cats can keep babies. This is one of the symptoms of pregnancy, observed in humans and in the most pregnant animals as well, such as dogs, cats, etc. It is best that you your adult cat food with some kitten food, mixing in order to boost the nutrients and vitamins that they receive. Remember that there is remember to fetuses in her, that the right and sufficient food need.
3. Swollen nipples are also one of the first cat pregnancy you will find characters if you have a pregnant cat. The nipples are actually turn into pink colors and swelling or start greater than at the same time. After 3 weeks include the female cat, and the male feline mate and you see the nipples get swollen and Pinker, provided that both cats managed to take the egg and sperm and form the babies.
4. Part of the list of the symptoms of pregnancy, that cat owners should know is vomiting. If pregnant women have morning sickness people, you see that your pet, which can sometimes experience. There is therefore no need to worry if a pregnant cat vomits occasionally, but if the vomiting is almost non-stop, send them immediately to the veterinarian for a check box to, and adequate treatment.
Should have more cat pregnancy symptoms, be sure you are a female cat: a belly, starting, swelling, or protruding; Boost your cat weight; Nesting of actions for example, during the time labor close, your cat starts with the search for a private and quiet place where she can actually give birth. Cat owners should prepare specialties where their cats such as location can bear, a big enough box in a quiet area and placing some enough to have work there to cover inside the box to their pregnant cats comfortable.
Karen Winton finds cats also good companions. Learn how to take care of your pregnant feline. See: Your pregnant cat. Siamese cats have interest? It read: Siamese cat secrets.
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