Monday, August 8, 2011

Facts about kitten vaccinations

Unless your kitten is properly vaccinated, there is risk of the customer one or more, potentially fatal, infectious diseases, as follows:

• Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR);
• Calicivirus;
• Panleukopenia;
• Chlamydia;
• Feline leukemia (FeLV);
• Rabies;
• Feline heartworm disease

Most of these diseases, which are highly contagious, can be prevented by the administration of routine vaccination. We need to vaccinate our kitten for the most important and commonly by these diseases to protect them. It is a fact that vaccines have an effective result in more than 95% of cases. Furthermore, the vaccination is by routinely your cat is cheaper than the figures for the treatment of your sick pets later. Also, vaccination reduces the likelihood of virus transmission in the pet population.

Some facts that you know, to be informed about this topic and better estimate the cost of kitten vaccinations:

• Newborn kittens receive protection from the first breast milk (colostrum), if the mother was vaccinated; ask the person to sell, if the cat was; vaccinated the kitten

• Kittens immune systems are immature, so that they not able long term immunity to develop up to at least 16 weeks from birth. Booster series for kittens must type every 3-4 weeks, due to the development of their immune system and due to interference from mothers milk antibodies appear;
• Cats should be vaccinated annually for the most vaccines, after the first booster series is managed for kittens, but some vaccines can, be administered every 3 years To ask the veterinarian;

• If a kitten never got a vaccine before and they need it more than 16 weeks old, an extra dose in 3 to 4 weeks before the start on the schedule year or three years;

• Should be vaccinated not a kitten or a cat, unless it is in an excellent state of health. You have any doubts about your cat health issues would better the veterinarian to examine your pet, and one good health status be sure;

• Ask that the veterinarian is that which contains vaccine called what "adjuvant". The materials are easier and cheaper to make. But there is evidence to suggest that the inflammation due to the adjuvanten in the skin appear, how it works, can produce a type of malignant cancer (in rare cases);

• Comparison of the prices of vaccines, you need to be sure a clinic with others on the Web, that you compare like with like. When comparing you know what diseases need to be protected and included in the course of the vaccine and if it contains and is dependent on auxiliary material;

• In some countries (such as the u.k.), which currently rabies, this vaccine is not required.

Take a responsible approach in your kitten vaccination, because in this way they form more problems in life will protect it.

View the original article here

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