Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Reasons why an old cat outside the litter box is pissing

Are there some things, that more than frustrating, if a cat that previously was the litter box is suddenly very happy with shared and urinating around the House. Sometimes older cats can stop to use that after a lifetime of House is trained. However in General is there a good reason, and generally the problem can be solved with a little patience and understanding.

One of the most common reasons for an older cat, who refused to use the litter box is urinary tract infection (UTI). This makes it difficult for your cat to urinate and causes him pain and discomfort. Often, the cat will associate the pain the litter box and will try to go to find in the hope that it will not harm somewhere else. A cat with a UTI must urinate much more urgent, so may not always within reach of the field.

Signs of a UTI are obvious pain and discomfort on urination, try to frequently urinate, circles and scrape for a long time before actually squat and only a small amount of urine produced, at a time. Course of infection urine can a pink tinge, or be very concentrated. If you suspect that your cat can have a UTI, take him to the vet as soon as possible. Your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, the infection should disable, and your cat then completely House once more trained.

An older cat may also refuse to use the litter box when he developed arthritis. If his limbs is impaired, may it difficult or painful to jump and from the litter box and how to find somewhere more accessible instead. Signs that your cat has arthritis include stiffness and signs of pain in the go to jump on higher land reserve and restraint to be taken. Your veterinarian will be medication to relieve the symptoms of arthritis and control the complaints to prescribe. You could give one side also your cat with a lower more easily for him, is in and out is.

A change in your cat routine might also be the cause. This is an important change, such as a House move or a new baby or a much smaller change such as a reorganization of the furniture. Cats are very much creatures of habit and changes to his routine one can very much stress him. You need to give him much to reassure and help him to create a new routine. Make sure that he knows where the litter box, and praise him when he comes to use it. If you also have a new to the budget, such as a new cat or dog, make sure is your older cat litter box somewhere privately placed. Cats need each, preferably in their own private room usually a field.

Older cats can suffer from dementia, it is possible that he may simply forget where is its litter box or how to use it. Signs of feline dementia include excessive meowing for no reason, especially during the night, and a lack of awareness, from where he is. He can also display as walking around in a circle or a restraint, leave alone. Sadly, there is no cure for feline dementia, although there are drugs that can slow down the process. You will simply have to learn to live. Try to place the litter box in the spots tend to urinate your cat. There may be additional one or two to do this, useful.

Hopefully this article will help you piss the problem of your older cat around the House and rebuild your relationship with him.

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