Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kitten care - feeding tips

Whereas that 15++ years can easily reach a lifetime of cats, it is important that you initially set up your kitten. Your cat milk was started on the mother will, of course. This is called a special condensed milk colostrum. It contains antibodies to fight the disease and is also very high in essential proteins.

What is exactly colostrum?

Colostrum, also known as "the first milk", a type of milk is produced by the mammary glands of late pregnancy and the first 48 hours after the birth of all mammals. The 87 growth and 97 immune factors of colostrum have enormous healing abilities: fight against viruses, bacteria, Mycosis, parasites, protect the digestive system.

Colostrum also provides the tissues and muscles, stimulates the nerve cells and brain activity, regulates the blood sugar and cholesterol. Colostrum heals the heart and brain lesions and has a role in detoxification, and protect the cardio vascular system.

These amazing effects newborn this "Miraculous" milk are essential for mammals in the first hours of life.

So, like you, that you would ensure your newborn with the nutrients feed required, the same for your new Cat goes. Whether you your cat by a breeder or a rescue Center bought to make sure you check with the seller exactly what your kitten to previously mentioned, and keep them in the process.

Buy kitten food or milk not cheap, you in addition to have the best start for your new and will have all the nutrients that can get them, as they 75% will be grown when she reached 6 months.

It is advisable to stay until they are 12 months old for your kitten on kitten food, then, you gradually move them on adults brands through the mixing of small quantities of food the old cat. Make also sure that you feed your kitten little and often the belly after 8 weeks old are only the size of a walnut.

After the issue, should your kittens have four small meals a day. Finally it should be reduced six months to two meals a day.
Varied diet - good idea or not?

We all know how sensitive cats your kitten to tiny amounts of wet food can be, so introduction and dry strips of meat your cat is used to get the idea of the variety in their diets. It helps with hydration and dental cleaning. However, you stay away from what her raw meat as food poisoning and belly are bugs very serious problems for a young cat. Always cooking you the meat up every now and then, you keep very small amounts.

When she arrive at 6 weeks old, they must no longer kitten milk.

Water should be always be easily accessible and not your kitten feeding cow's milk. It's not cats for calves!

Cow's milk has high amounts of lactose.

Their kittens can love the taste, but it causes that digestive problems and feline diarrhea.

Dry or wet food?

Just like we are cats all very different in their characters and the taste.

You can your kitten grows, she has a fondness for fluid or food.

Be careful when kittens are bigger than their stomachs eyes usually.

So follow the instructions on the packaging for dried fodder, as they have a habit of overeating.

Both have nutritional value, and you come to know what you and your cat through trial and error most matches.

A good tip is to find out what foods your kitten MOM was food, while she nursed them.

Dry food helps with dental health, stool with less odor. (Keep water with dry food available).

Wet food, on the other hand is closer to an original cats diet and contains usually 80% water.

If you doubt check, whether your vet consulted.

Alex Kelly

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