Thursday, September 15, 2011

Symptoms that your cat worms may

Worm infestation is a common problem, and the risk of infection is all cats, even if they live in the House. This article examines to respect the most common types of worm infestation and the symptoms.

Tapeworms are among the most frequent feline worm infestation and are often accompanied by a fled infestation. This is because tapeworms two ' hosts', must to survive. Who fled is the immediate host; Tapeworm eggs are passed in the feces, the flea larva eats. The tapeworm slips into the larva escaped, and if your cat of flea (recommended while for example) then, as the body of the flea is mined, the tapeworm appears itself to your cat gut wall.

Maturity reached tapeworms in about 2-3 weeks. Segments filled starts with eggs cancel and the body with the chairs be passed. It is possible to see, tapeworms, in your cat stool or in the skin of its tail and anal area look for small white balls, to resemble the grains of rice. As soon as the tapeworm segments dry out they can resemble SESAM.

A tape worm infestation symptoms weight loss despite constant hunger and a rough or lack luster coat.

Roundworm infestations are also very common. Cats can kill either with roundworm and eating infected rats or mice, or infected by contact with an infected cat feces. Roundworm larvae can be passed to kittens, if you by her mother care. Roundworms lining on the content of your cat gut, and so are in direct competition with your cat for consumption.

Roundworms are about 3-5 cm long, white in color and strands of spaghetti in appearance similar to. Look for signs of them in your cat vomiting or Chair. Signs that your cat has roundworm an infestation include vomiting and diarrhea, a rough or lack luster coat and weight loss despite constant hunger. Affected kittens to a pot bellied appearance have.

Hookworms are an another fairly common parasite and reciprocal the blood of an infected cat by attaching itself to the intestinal wall. This can cause that diseases such as anemia and can be fatal, if you left untreated especially kittens or cats younger,. Cats will either take reproduction hookworm larvae in food and drink, or larvae infest digging through the skin. It is also believed that a mother the larvae can pass cat to her kittens, if they nurse.

Hookworms release an anticoagulant when they eat, to stop the blood from the blood, so that a symptom of their presence is stool in your cat. Your cat can view also symptoms of anemia, pale gums, weakness or lethargy, and affected kittens can suffer from stunted growth. Hookworms can be seen with the naked eye.

Heartworms infect dogs more than cats, although an infestation can be vulnerable to cats, if their immune system is weakened. These worms are so called as it is at the heart, lungs and pulmonary artery annexes and untreated prove fatal. Heartworm is transferred to your cat by a bite from an infected mosquito eggs.

Some cats can no symptoms at all and can suddenly die, but to respect symptoms are difficulty breathing, wheezing, lethargy, loss of appetite and weight loss. A heartworm infestation can be difficult to diagnose and your veterinarian several blood tests need to be determined to carry out their presence.

The best way to prevent that a worm infestation is to ensure that you your cat on a regular basis of worm. If your cat shows any symptoms, which could represent a worm infestation, or make to have their health, consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.

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