Monday, August 15, 2011

It gestoßenem from cat food is not healthy

It's dinner time in your home, everyone is sitting at the table, which enjoy wonderful meal, prepared, and here comes your cat. Their girlfriends rubbing against your leg as you begin to eat, and even though you have already feed him/her, or wait for their dish of food is filled, your cat contains ritual that rub a little leg and a dose of meowing, still begging.

As cat owners, we find sometimes joy in our meals with our beloved cats to share. Although this sharing process to stick a moment and our cats will definitely enjoy meals, if we share, the we ourselves and our family is not healthy cat food. Prepare some of the ingredients we use, to our meals are toxic to cats. Use spices and vegetables like; Garlic, onions, garlic and onion powder, can all cause serious health problems in cats when consumed. Onions and garlic contain a substance called N-propyl-paste. This substance destroyed red blood cells in cat the results in a disease called anemia.

There are also other vegetables and spices, which will help to make our food tasty but that is not beneficial for your cat health, salt a great. Most people use preparation salt in their meal, even, an amateur chef knows that it helps, electrolyte consistently consumed the taste in your food, but bring out salt, overtime, causes imbalances in your cat. A cat that experiences an electrolyte imbalance will begin to lose weight, vomiting and excessive to urinate, this disease can be fatal.

Cats need certain vitamins that our food does not offer them. Although the meal prepared you can be healthy and you and your family meet nutritional needs, contains your cat food, essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients such as taurine, your body needs to stay active and healthy. Taurine is an essential amino acid, which do not produce your cat body but is consumed by their food. The lack of taurine causes that central retinal degeneration blindness may cause.

It is also important to remember that cats some more sensitive than others have a very sensitive digestive system. Your feed feline food prepared for human consumption, can their sensitive system, which interfere with vomiting and diarrhea sometimes. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so all meals that contain dairy products can cause stomach Craps and diarrhea.

Parts of your meals with your cat in addition to their regular diet can our unhealthy weight gain lead. Cats are just like people if it to weight gain and lose when they more than they use, consume extra calories weight will win it. Cats that are over weight are more susceptible to certain health problems such as diabetes. Although your cat enjoy can your meals to share with you, and it can sometimes tempting to spoil it, it is our responsibility as cat parents to ensure that our feline friends their own high protein dog food food.

Kerry-Ann and her husband were cat owners for over 20 years. They have two beautiful healthy cats, at the age of 18 and 2. They are also the creators of Read more visit about as healthy cat food for your cat, you choose

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